Professional taxidermist assistance in preparing your trophy.

You've managed to bag an excellent trophy and you have decided to preserve it in this ideal form for ages? We'll try to help you in it!

First of all you should examine your trophy attentively and decide whether it is good enough or may be it is better to bag another one. Even a most skillful craftsman won't make a bare summer fox to cover with long fluffy fur which regularly appears in winter also he won't manage to grow feathers on a belly of a bird that used to hatch in a nest.

If on receiving a case-shot a bird falls into several parts, there is a very low probability to get a qualitative trophy. Similarly, if an animal lacks half of its muzzle, it is hardly possible to restore the original appearance of the trophy. But we are ready to meet your needs and try to do something. But make an attempt to shot more carefully and save our time and your money.

If you like your bag animal and your shot didn't ruin it to pieces try to follow the following recommendations and/or make them known to a huntsman who will prepare your trophy. Certainly, a drink for a lucky shot is a sacred tradition but try to control the process and keep your trophy.

Also we would like to draw your attention to the chapter "Trophy preparing requirements", and basing on our experience we'd better remind to beginners:

  • - not to saw off or break off antlers (while making a trophy they must be on a scull);
  • - 2/3 of wild boar's fangs are inside a head and it's better to bring the whole head for their handling;
  • - for making a trophy head of an ungulate a skin is cut off below the line of shoulders! Try not to use an axe to separate a head, don't cut deer and elks with a chain-saw;
  • - don't bring live animals ? they bite the staff and run away;
  • - if you forgot about your trophy and it was kept unprepared for some time make an experiment ? show it to your mother, wife (girlfriend), if they haven't fainted and you are still alive, we'll take it to make a trophy.

At the same time if you doubt whether you can prepare your trophy, we can help you in it. Our specialists can visit a hunting site or follow you in your hunting tours.

Village Kolyadichi, Minsk district, Belarus
tel: (+375-17) 506-30-95, (+375-29) 626-34-22, (+375-29) 851-24-35
e-mail: [email protected]

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